H&M Claims

Hull and Machinery claims handling involves managing claims related to damage to a vessel's hull and machinery. As an independent surveyor handling these claims, your responsibilities may include:

Damage Survey

Conducting a thorough inspection of the damaged vessel to assess the extent of the damage and determine the cause.

Liaising with stakeholders

Communicating with stakeholders involved in the claims process, such as the vessel owner, insurers, and repair contractors, to ensure that everyone is informed and on the same page.

Drafting repair specification

Preparing a detailed repair specification based on the findings of the damage survey and in accordance with the vessel's class and regulatory requirements.
Causation analysis
Conducting root cause analysis.
Attending damage repairs
Overseeing the repair process and ensuring that the repairs are carried out in accordance with the repair specification, class and regulatory requirements.
Claim submission
Preparing and submitting the claim to the insurers, including all relevant documentation, such as the damage survey report, repair specification, and repair invoices.
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